I started to watch The Age of Innocence with Daniel Day-Lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer but lost interest part of the way through. I just have no interest in the plight of the old rich a
nd their inter-generational struggles, hamstrung as they are between the rigid code of their parents not yet dead and their life of leisure and sexual dalliances. Yuck. The thing is narrated a lot, too, which suggests just how weak the action in the film really is.

The Ninth Gate was a much better movie, reminiscent of The Da Vinci Code and certainly easier to follow
than that one. This one is about an unscrupulous book dealer played by Johnny Depp. He is hired to track down the three copies of a classic volume of satanism for a rich client Boris Balkin (Frank Langella). The client owns one copy but wants the other copies because he knows only one of them is genuine. Why he wants them is only clear by the movie's end. He is aided in his quest by a mysterious blonde who follows him from New York to Paris to the French countryside. After a while it is clear also that someone is after Johnny Depp and shortly after his visit with each of the owners of the books they meet with a lurid and bizarre death seemingly foretold in the book. Without question Roman Polanski is a great director. It is a shame that he apparently also has engaged in questionable behavior that is hard to forgive, at least by the state of California.

Run Fatboy Run was kind of a disappointment. I very much liked Shaun of the Dead and
Hot Fuzz, and although this movie was not a complete disappointment, it was awfully predictable in the shape of the narrative. Simon Pegg plays a total loser who abandons his beautiful biracial fiance at the altar and spends the next five years trying to get her back. She goes for a total winner instead (Frank Azaria) who being a rich American in high finance is everything seemingly that Simon's character is not. As in all fairy tales this guy ends up being too good to be true as he reveals a mean competitive side that turns the tide in favor of Simon's character. The action hinges on a marathon and as with all these sports movies a miracle happens. It is a bit much to see it retreaded once more for what seems like the hundredth time. But maybe I watch too many movies.