Sunday, July 7, 2013

Old Movies III: Highlander II

"Highlander II: The Quickening" is a campy romp through this absurd sci-fi tale. For that reason it isn't completely awful, but moderately entertaining. I mean it depends on where you head is at concerning fantasy and even the makers of this film clearly didn't take themselves all that seriously.

Many things are unanswered in this film, and perhaps wisely so. For example, why did General Katana want Connor McLeod killed?
After all he had already given up on immortality and become mortal so he could have just waited him out, right? Why did he send his two goofy assistants to slay him? If the sun shield that he engineered saved the world but left it humid and dark, what happened to agriculture? Wouldn't there have been mass starvation?
Why was McLeod Scottish and played by an actor who is actually French?  Why was Sean Connery named Rodriguez?     Was it the fact that most people from Scotland are from the planet Zeist? And why did General Katana when he comes to Earth, feel the need to hijack a subway train and put it through a speed trial? Does he hate public transport?  Maybe General Katana doesn't need a reason, which I guess adds to the entertainment value.

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